Trying to find things to blog about on a daily basis is a mental grind. Being in the world of finance, I stress a lot about getting things right. You can’t really half-ass the numbers or put forth a mediocre analysis for decision-making. In my line of work, accuracy reigns supreme.
Blogging is not about getting things right. For me, it’s about getting better every day and sticking to a simple commitment: Write something meaningful every day and share it.
But I’ve learned about this crazy phenomenon called writer’s block. Creativity is a hard skill to master and writer’s block mixed with a perfectionist’s brain presents a crazy challenge to write every day.
What I’ve done to combat this is to just stick to the routine of opening the laptop at the same time daily and reflect on something that is top of mind. The topics usually flow from there. For example, today when I sat down to write this blog I ask myself “What should I write about?”. This led me to go down rabbit holes of topics and I never really landed on anything.
I then started to research writer’s block and voila!
To tie this all back to the theme of the blog, writer’s block can be eliminated by not judging myself or my thoughts. I just sit down and let it flow! One of these days this will be so much easier, but for now, it’s time to grind it out.