I’ve been inspired lately by the works of Seth Godin. He’s famously created one of the most successful blogs in the universe and he literally blogs EVERY DAY. Like doesn’t miss a beat.
I admire that so much. Especially when you have such a crazy career that can pull you into a million different directions but you still have the wherewithal to sit down and crank out blog posts day after day.
So, I’ve decided to see if I can create the same.
My point of starting this blog is not to sell books or courses.
I don’t intend on using the success (or failure) of the following to build adjacent businesses.
I simply want to start a new habit of journaling/blogging daily and hopefully someone will gain some value out of my thoughts.
I think that’s the reason why Seth’s blog is so incredible to me. It’s beautifully simple and relatable. There have been so many random pieces of information that float through my head on a daily basis that should hold their spot in the world.
Here’s to Seth and here’s to my thoughts 🙂
Oh, and here’s Seth’s blog. Enjoy!