I hate excuses more than anything in the world. Not because it’s annoying to hear them but because they rob you blind from being a better person.
I’ve made excuses about my personal health journey, finances, and career. Every time I made an excuse, the time horizon of my achievements was pushed back exponentially.
How did I overcome excuses?
Lead with honesty. Integrity is the killer of all excuses and deceitful behavior. In the past, my reasoning behind the “excuse train” was driven by a fear of people finding out about my laziness or lack of commitment and how they would feel about me after they figured it out. The older I became the more I realized that people’s perception of you is so insignificant. And wasting time dealing with that fear would lead only deep regret and shame.
So honestly who cares? Who cares about what people think and or say. Lead with honesty and find a way to get better every day. Just 1% better.