I’ve been on a data kick lately and it’s really fascinating the things I’m learning.

What I’ve noticed is that all business intelligence applications are just tools. The real beauty in data science and intelligence is the person behind the analysis. More specifically, it’s the type of questions that person is asking to arrive at the analysis.

I’ve researched and read a lot of help articles online about different BI tools and they all do the basic things similarly. I would argue that Power BI and Tableau will allow for more customizations and integrate well with businesses that adopt a shared data model….but for the novice startups and businesses you really don’t need that crazy of a tool to get started.

What you need to do before anything is ask yourself very detailed questions about your business.

Why do customers convert with a specific ad?
What about the ad made them convert or not convert?
What are the utilization rates of our longest tenured clients and how are they engaging with our product?
Who are our longest tenured clients and where did they come from? Are there more of them? Where?

I’ve got a long day ahead of me tomorrow…I’m going to spend my entire day asking myself questions about all of these aspects of the business and after I do that…I’m going to dive head first into our data.