The word of the week for me is execution.
I think people get caught up in the thousands of secondary and tertiary items that don’t really move the needle on anything important. So with that being said, in order to execute at the highest level, you first need to identify and focus on the most important tasks/projects.
After identifying the most important tasks/projects, now it’s about making the time and space to actually work on those things. If we’re being honest about this, most people maybe spend 5-10% of their day doing the 1-2 things that actually matter. The other 90-95% is sitting in pointless meetings, shooting the shit at the office, or aimlessly perusing the internet.
Delete meetings from your calendar (if you have that power), re-schedule meetings to be closer together, and build focus time into your calendar. Focus time is so important. Make it a thing! Find a new working space, invite other colleagues to join. I can definitively tell you that when you do this with someone else you tend to get more done. Some people don’t always work well with others and I get that, but it’s just like running or working out. It’s harder to go at it alone than it is with someone else.
Execution is a choice. You have to choose where to point your energy and how to spend your 24 hours. In business, you have to optimize your time to get the most out of yourself and your team.
Executioners are ultimately the people who win in business. Be that person.