Every month I will share about the books that have my current attention. I tend to read in sprints. I’ll read a lot during a given period of time and then go act on what I’ve learned. Speaking of that, I tend to read very pragmatic books. They aren’t always motivational in nature but they do inspire me.

Here’s the 2 books I’m currently reading.

1. Crucial Conversations by Patterson, Grenny, McMillan, Switzler

This book’s subtitle is “Tools for talking when stakes are high.” I picked this book up recently because I noticed that my day to day was becoming more conversational in nature. I needed some type of framework to help me understand how I should be approaching my conversations and how I could learn to be a more effective conversationalist and negotiator. Super interesting read, and I’ve learned a ton already about myself.

2. Extreme Ownership by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin

This book is an extremely popular leadership book. I was told by someone that was kind of my mentor…more on that later…that this was the #1 most important book to read if you wanted to understand how to be a great leader. I couldn’t agree more. I could go on for paragraphs about why taking extreme ownership in any situations is a great life skill, but I’ll spare you the monologue. Just do yourself and anyone else you manage a favor and go pick up this book. You won’t be disappointed.

Happy reading 🙂