So I’ll start today’s blog off by announcing my participation in Design Pickle’s 90 Day Challenge. One of the things that I’ve recognized over my life is that I have a tendency to work really hard in spurts and then burn out and cruise for a time.
This behavior was really dangerous early on in my career and led to a lot of bad habits for myself. I still deal with this issue today, and I’m constantly looking for ways to break this cycle. What I’ve noticed is that I lack a consistent daily routine that supercharges my day and allows me to get into “flow”. I talked about this issue with our CEO at Design Pickle (Russ), and he suggested I try this crazy challenge he’s running for the company called the 90 Day Challenge.
I won’t get into the nitty-gritty of what the challenge is based upon, but I will say this. All great things don’t just happen. They happen because there is an intentional effort to make them happen. For example, I set out to become a leader and executive at Design Pickle almost 7 years ago. I made a decision out of Purdue that I would forgo working at Ernst & Young to pursue small businesses and startups. I knew that working at startups would eventually lead to faster professional growth and more opportunities. It was an intentional decision on my part to go down this path and it eventually led to me becoming the CFO of a venture-backed company.
Saying all that to hopefully inspire some folks but because of the challenge I now have new goals and targets for myself and it feels amazing! They are as follows: Run a 5K, pass the FAR section of the CPA Exam, take my mom to Sedona and deliver a public speech about SaaS metrics.